Darren Eliker provides an excellent narration of this complex and highly creative installment of the Venery series. Eliker's delivery allows listeners to become immersed in the adventures of Pelippé Trueblood and Fen il-Kheir, a fantastical kheiron, a creature that can shift between being a man and a horse. Each character and species has a distinguishable sound. The story encompasses high fantasy, queer romance, magical explorations, ships built by giants, a feud among the gods, a spice that brings beauty, murder, queens, centaurs, courtesans, warriors, and storytellers. The whole tapestry is enhanced by Eliker's voices and deft handling of the adventures, mysteries, and intimacies that carry listeners into this other world. C.F. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine [Published: APRIL 2024]
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