Ron Butler narrates a fantasy novel set on a magical Caribbean island. Residents of Chynchin have lived undisturbed by the greedy Ymisen for two hundred years, but that is about to change. After a water pipe repair goes awry, Veycosi finds himself embroiled in endless drama. Butler's laidback narration style suits Veycosi's meandering travails: He has lost standing in his professional colloquium; he needs to sort out his messy personal life before marriage; and his desire to make a bold political move was a failure. Butler smoothly delivers the patois spoken by the residents of Chynchin, clearly distinguishing them from the Ymisen forces. When the inevitable confrontation finally takes place, Butler performs the ensuing battle scenes with appropriate grimness. K.M.P. © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPTEMBER 2024]
Trade Ed. Simon & Schuster Audio 2024
DD ISBN 9781797179636 $26.99
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